GCViewer Commandline is a modified version of GC Viewer.
GC Viewer is an excellent open source tool by tagtraum industries incorporated, to provide a way to view the log file produced by the Java Garbage collector (GC).
This web site hosts a modified version of the GC Viewer tool (modified by Sean Ryan), which allows you to run the tool with NO interaction, from the command line.
This is quite handy, if you use a lot of automated tests, and want to monitor the Java GC.
The GC statistics are output to a CSV file, which can easily be parsed by your scripts.
To parse a GC log file my_gc_log.log to a new CSV file my_gc_summary.csv:
java -jar target/gcviewer-1.29.jar my_gc_log.log my_gc_summary.csv
This will summarise the statistics of the GC log file my_gc_log.log, to the CSV file my_summary.csv.
{field name 1}, {value}, {units}
{field name 2}, {value}, {units}
{field name 3}, {value}, {units}
gcLogFile, temp_gclog_input, -
footprint, 128.25, M
footprintAfterFullGC, 69.792, M
footprintAfterFullGCs, 2232.118, K
footprintAfterFullGCisSig, true, bool
freedMemoryByFullGC, 2643.391, M
freedMemoryByFullGCpc, 9.9, %
avgFreedMemoryByFullGC, 17.623, M/coll
avgFreedMemoryByFullGCs, 3874.805, K/coll
avgFreedMemoryByFullGCisSig, true, bool
Version | Date | Changes | |
1.29.1 | 24th April 2011 |
1.29.1 | 4th April 2011 |
1.29.0 | 26th March 2011 | Released GC Viewer command line, with this user guide. |
GCViewer Commandline follows the versioning of the main GCViewer application, and appends one number at the end.
For example, for GCViewer version 1.29, the equivalent GCViewer Commandline version would be 1.29.x, where x is the build number.
This makes it easy to see what version of GCViewer was adapted to have the Commandline functionality.