Times Of The World


This is a very simple application, to display the current time in different parts of the world.

You can use this application when you are phoning someone in a different time zone, or when you are arranging a meeting.

This application was written, to make it easier to work with different people across different timezones � a scenario becoming more and more common these days!



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1st January 2009

Sean Ryan

Now using automatic updates, as provided by Visual Studio C# Express.It�s better than the commercial version J

21 October 2008

Sean Ryan

Updated documentation to include reference to the .NET Framework 1.1.

18 December 2007

Sean Ryan

Fix for handling a corrupt settings file.If the settings file is corrupt, then it will be replaced with a default settings file.

14 October 2007

Sean Ryan

Fix for graphics resource leak.This makes the application stable.

14 October 2007

Sean Ryan

Made the application a little more stable.

Fixed issue where pressing the Cancel button would cause an error.

13 October 2007

Sean Ryan

First released version.The time for the first timezone is displayed in the system tray icon.The timezones and their descriptions can now be edited by the user.Documentation created.

10 October 2007

Sean Ryan

Initial version, with some hard coded time zones displayed in the tooltip text.


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You can download TimesOfTheWorld by clicking on the link below:



Times Of The World requires .NET Framework 2 which is included in the installation, or else it can be downloaded here.

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Open this location in your internet browser:


Select the Install button.

Follow the on screen prompts, to install TimesOfTheWorld on to your computer.

TimesOfTheWorld will execute immediately after the installation is completed.

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               User Guide

Here is a brief user guide for TimesOfTheWorld.For further details, please email me at the email address shown at the end of this document.


                   View Current Times

The icon for TimesOfTheWorld displays the time for the first timezone that has been configured in TimesOfTheWorld.The top two digits are the hour, and the bottom two digits are the minutes in the first timezone.

Figure � the TimesOfTheWorld icon is displayed in the Windows status tray.The icon shows the current time for the first time zone as set in the configuration.

To view the current times in ALL the configured time zones, simply move the mouse pointer over the icon for TimesOfTheWorld.A tooltip text box will appear, showing the current times for the configured timezones.

Figure � the TimesOfTheWorld tray icon, showing the current time in the first time zone, and a tooltip box, showing the current time for all the configured time zones.


                   Configure Timezones

To configure the timezones shown by TimesOfTheWorld, open the Options window for TimesOfTheWorld.You can open the options window, by either double-clicking on the TimesOfTheWorld icon, or else by right-clicking on the TimesOfTheWorld icon, and selecting Options.

The options window will be displayed.

Figure � the options window of Times Of The World.

TimesOfTheWorld can display three timezones at any one time.

To change the description of a time zone, edit the text box in the column named Description.


To change the offset of the timezone, relative to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), select the combo box in the column named Offset in hours.Scroll to the appropriate offset for the location you are interested in, and select it.


Notice that the current time will be automatically updated in the text boxes in the column named Time.

To save your new settings, select the OK button.

To undo your new settings, select the Cancel button.


Select the Minimize icon, to hide the options window.


                   Exiting TimesOfTheWorld

If you want to stop the TimesOfTheWorld application from executing, then right click on the icon in the Windows status tray.Select Exit.

Figure how to stop TimesOfTheWorld from executing.


                   How to make TimesOfTheWorld execute on Startup

By default, TimesOfTheWorld is not set to run automatically.

If you would like to have TimesOfTheWorld running at all times, do the following:

Select the Windows Start button.

Select the All Programs menu.

Select the TimesOfTheWorld menu.

Right-click on the TimesOfTheWorld item, and select Copy.

Double-click on the menu item Startup.

The contents of Startup will appear in a new window.

Select the Edit menu, and select Paste.

TimesOfTheWorld will now run each time you log in to Windows.


If you no longer want to have TimesOfTheWorld start each time you log in to Windows, then you can either:

         Uninstall TimesOfTheWorld.See the section below named Uninstall.


         Remove the short cut for TimesOfTheWorld from the StartUp folder.

To remove the short cut:

Select the Windows Start button.Select All Programs.Double-click on the Startup folder.The Startup folder will open in a new window in Windows Explorer.

Select the icon for TimesOfTheWorld.Press the DEL key.Select Yes or Delete shortcut to delete the short cut.

Note that this will NOT uninstall TimesOfTheWorld.To uninstall TimesOfTheWorld, see the section named Uninstall.

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TimesOfTheWorld has a standard Windows uninstaller.

To uninstall TimesOfTheWorld, select the Windows Start button.Select Control Panel.Select Add or Remove Programs.

Scroll down to the item TimesOfTheWorld.

Select the item TimesOfTheWorld.

Select the Remove button.Select the Yes button to remove TimesOfTheWorld from your computer.

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The TimesOfTheWorld application automatically checks for updates, from the following location:


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TimesOfTheWorld has the following limitations:

         Just three timezones can be shown at any one time.This should be sufficient for most users.

         Daylight savings time is NOT handled by TimesOfTheWorld.You will have to manually update the timezone offset when daylight savings changes.This will be resolved in a future version of TimesOfTheWorld.



TimesOfTheWorld has the following requirements:

         Windows XP or Windows Vista

         .NET Framework 2.This is included in the installation, or else you can download here



TimesOfTheWorld has been tested on the following platforms:

         Windows XP Home

         Windows XP Pro

         Windows Vista



The TimesOfTheWorld application is copyright 2007 Sean Ryan.This application has no association with the website www.timesoftheworld.com.

TimesOfTheWorld was written by Sean Ryan.I can be contacted be email, at srguard2000-general (at) yahoo.co.uk

TimesOfTheWorld was written in C# using Microsoft Visual Studio and the .NET framework version 2.The documentation was produced using Open Office.

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